Please note, this project has now been shelved due to CaurieB releasing her excellent version over on her website here..

I’ve been working on converting the Daz Horse 2 UV maps to the Daz Millennium horse’s mapping. The above image shows where I have got to at the moment.
Whilst I love the idea of the new mapping on the DHorse2 with it’s large separate head map for super detailed textures, I have so many of my own custom made photoreal textures for the MIlHorse that I was gutted at the thought of not being able to use them with the new horse model.
I’m about 80% done at the moment, there are areas and the chest and lower legs that need polishing up and the nostril and inner eye area could do with realigning a bit more but I’m pretty pleased with my progress so far. I don’t know if I will be remapping the actual eyes as I like the new mapping.
If I can get this finished to my satisfaction I will give the new UVs away as a freebie for all of my readers 🙂
Any thoughts on it so far?
Also added in the gallery below are some renders of the Daz Horse 2 morph presets with some of my own alternate versions.
I’m happy to see someone doing this. I’d forgotten about this site and stubled over it while trying to find out if a tail for the Millenium Horse Zebra existed after sadly finding they forgot to give it a Zebra tail. I’d never needed it before.
You do nice work and thanks for sharing the mane!!!
I’ve not used the zebra morph so hadn’t realised they left the tail morph out, if I can ever work out how to migrate all of my stuff across to this new pc I’ll have a go at a morph but so far inspite of having all my content intact and my old drive installed as a second drive I can’t get studio to recognise it 🙁 Glad you like the mane though 🙂 x
Sorry to here this has been shelved.
Any chance of getting the ones you’ve done so far?
Hi I’m not sure at the moment as I started a science degree last year that has been taking up most of my time. CaurieB did an excellent job with remapping the Millennium Horse UVs to the Daz Horse 2.On the renders shown here, the bright bay, bay tobiano and chestnut textures on this page are my own that I made for the Daz3d Millenium Horse and used on the Daz Horse 2 with Cauries UVs installed.
They are not 100% finished and might have some seam issues and unfortunately I’m not sure when I’ll have the time to put into them, I have several gigabytes worth of textures like them that I’ve made over the years but only usually get as far as getting them finished up enough for my own renders. If I get the time I will put some work into getting them finished and packaged, although I think the Hivewire 3d horse is far superior to either, shame there aren’t any compatible UV’s for it.