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3d Horse model evolution for Poser & Daz studio

The 3d digital horse models for Poser and Daz Studio

There have been many different 3d horse models over the years (since 1999) that I have been using Poser. In terms of realism and posability they have come a long way yet some of the older models still have a place in your runtime. This is a series of articles discussing all of the ones that I have owned and their pros and cons from the old P4 horse to the Hivewire 3d Horse.

DHorse2 Pony Character Morph

I’ve hit a problem with my mane figure for the Daz Horse 2 model in that when loaded in a scene you can only select it from the scene panel in Daz Studio, I had thought that I had hit a bug in Daz Studio but it doesn’t look as though anything else is effected 🙁

All fixed!

Well I figured out how to fix my previous mistake with my custom mane model for the Daz Horse 2 3d figure and then I decided to make a morph to temporarily fix the bending problem until I work out how to use Daz Studio’s rigging.

Fixing the broken geometry

At first I thought I’d lost around 8 hours worth of work with the mesh breaking on my object but luckily I had saved the base figure under a different name a couple of days previously so opened up the broken figure in NotePad++ (please note I always save my work uncompressed so that I can edit it if needed in a text editor) and searched for the .dsf file in it so that I could find it’s location. I then opened the dsf file folder up in windows explorer and changed the file extension to .dsfbak.

Banging head on keyboard….

Sometimes I wonder why I just can’t accept things as they are and move on to the next project. Instead I’m a tinkerer who is never happy if there is the possibility of improving one of my creations…

Over the years I’ve created quite a few personal figures with Poser’s built in tools and am quite happy with editing the figure rigging and adding things like ghost bones although I’m no way near being a guru i manage to muddle along.

Well since last night I’ve been working on my mane for the Daz Horse 2 model, making some more morphs and editing the groups to help it to conform better when the horses neck bends, learning as I go. This morning I had the idea of making ghost bones for movement and so opened up the property editor and found out how to create a bone quite easily but could not figure out how to make it effect the forelock area that I was trying to make it bend.

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