I am a 47 year old British woman who combines my lifelong love of horses with digital art. Since discovering Bryce 2 and Poser 3 way back in the late 90's I work mainly with Daz Studio, Poser, Carrara, Hexagon, Photoshop and Cinema 4d, but I also love web design (particularly working with Wordpress) and photography. Due to health problems I can no longer ride but along with my daughter and fiance we own several horses, two dogs, a pair of ferrets all of which help keep me going! I was born in the Chinese year of the horse (fire horse) and my western zodiac sign, Sagittarius is also part horse, maybe that explains a lot! I am an avid reader of sci fi and fantasy novels, Peter F. Hamilton, Greg Bear and George R. R. Martin being my current favourite authors. My secret guilty pleasure is re watching my Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Sarah Connor Chronicles back to back once every few months or so whilst working on my 3d and wordpress projects and studying for my science degree!

DHorse2 Pony Character Morph

I’ve hit a problem with my mane figure for the Daz Horse 2 model in that when loaded in a scene you can only select it from the scene panel in Daz Studio, I had thought that I had hit a bug in Daz Studio but it doesn’t look as though anything else is effected 🙁

All fixed!

Well I figured out how to fix my previous mistake with my custom mane model for the Daz Horse 2 3d figure and then I decided to make a morph to temporarily fix the bending problem until I work out how to use Daz Studio’s rigging.

Fixing the broken geometry

At first I thought I’d lost around 8 hours worth of work with the mesh breaking on my object but luckily I had saved the base figure under a different name a couple of days previously so opened up the broken figure in NotePad++ (please note I always save my work uncompressed so that I can edit it if needed in a text editor) and searched for the .dsf file in it so that I could find it’s location. I then opened the dsf file folder up in windows explorer and changed the file extension to .dsfbak.

Banging head on keyboard….

Sometimes I wonder why I just can’t accept things as they are and move on to the next project. Instead I’m a tinkerer who is never happy if there is the possibility of improving one of my creations…

Over the years I’ve created quite a few personal figures with Poser’s built in tools and am quite happy with editing the figure rigging and adding things like ghost bones although I’m no way near being a guru i manage to muddle along.

Well since last night I’ve been working on my mane for the Daz Horse 2 model, making some more morphs and editing the groups to help it to conform better when the horses neck bends, learning as I go. This morning I had the idea of making ghost bones for movement and so opened up the property editor and found out how to create a bone quite easily but could not figure out how to make it effect the forelock area that I was trying to make it bend.

Daz Horse 2 Mesh

New Horse model at Daz3d

Opened my email today to be informed that Daz3d have a new horse model out. Apparently this one used Genesis technology with weight mapping. I’ve had to pop out just now but just bought the pro bundle and will finish downloading it when I get back home and run it through it’s paces.

digital portraits of my horse made in Daz Studio and Photoshop

3d Digital Portrait of my Welsh Cob

Well this is annoying! I finally found the pen for my graphics tablet (hiding between bottles of nail polish on my desk side…) and settled down with my render and Photoshop to finish up the portrait of my cheeky, chunky welsh cob, Cruz and as I often do got carried away….

Now after producing several variations of my image I just can’t decide on which one I like the best. This image is intended to hang in my hallway so I want the best one, but full of cold and feeling the tug of a hot bubble bath and my warm bed I need some help. Which one of the above images do you like the best? Also do you have any constructive suggestions to improve it?

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